Thursday, August 19, 2010


Has been a long time... this year has been pretty hard on everyone here.

Computer Man made us a google document so that Bear can do her multiplication tables. I am trying to be good about reminding her to do them daily. I would like to try Switched on School House this fall to get some Bible as well as Grammar and Spelling. I just need some structure so that she can keep doing work even when I am dealing w/ Skunk.

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25, 2010

Ok, I am going to try and write down what we do. Today, Bear started her letter to Uncle Jason, she did 20 addition and 20 subtraction problems online and she watched parts of the computer video on BrainPopJr. She also watched the Clifford movie and a Tom and Jerry movie but those are not educational. ;)